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We want to give you the best!

We LOVE science, research and development. Coming from a science background ourselves we want to understand the reasons why certain coaching techniques work.


We also want to ensure that people understand the true value of coaching. 


Executive, Business and Life Coaching is becoming more and more common with many levels of expertise. We wanted to provide a platform offering Leaders who coach and professional Coaches fact and research based resources, information and  techniques which can be passed onto Clients and Team Members. Helping them perform, be more focused, successful and happier in their lives and careers.


All of our articles have a reference to a study or paper within them relating to a proven practical coaching practice, scientific or other research and trials carried out. 


At Successful Consultants Limited parent of The Science Of Coaching , we are qualified International Coaching Federation Trained and Certified Coaches.  

In Association with Successful Consultants Limited 
Registered Company 2783407
Unit 1102 11/F 29 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong 
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